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Proxy Server Options

Options of built-in proxy server

Proxy server status toolbar

  1. Button for starting proxy server.
  2. Button for stoping proxy server.
  3. AiS AliveProxy server at - IP address and port of built-in proxy server. You have to use the IP:Port to connect to the proxy server.
  4. Running or stoped - status of working buil-in proxy server.

Proxy server information toolbar

  1. Connection via - IP address and port of proxy server currently used for surfing.
  2. Bytes received - number of bytes recieved from the Internet.
  3. Bytes sent - number of bytes sent to the Internet.
  4. Clients - number of clients currently connected to the built-in proxy server.
  5. Connections - number of connections to the built-in proxy server (one client can have more than one connection).

Connection information

  1. AiS AliveProxy HTTP server port - number of port for built-in proxy server.
  2. Connection via HTTP proxy server - IP address and port of proxy server used for connection in built-in proxy srver.

Rules of changing proxy server

AliveProxy can automatically change proxy server used for connection. AliveProxy uses for change only the proxy servers marked as "Use for surfung" in the proxy list databse. When proxy changed old request will be "alive" but its use previous proxy server.

AliveProxy changes proxy every time when any of the following events happen:

  1. Given interval of time - proxy server will be changed after given interval of time.
  2. Quantity of request - proxy server will be changed after given number of requests.
  3. Quantity of received bytes - proxy server will be changed after receiving specified bytes.
  4. Manual changing - proxy server will be changed only manual (see: How to set proxy server for surfing?).

Method of selection of the next proxy server

When AliveProxy changes the current proxy server used for surfing it uses the following rules:

  1. Randon server from marked by flag "Use for surfing" - AliveProxy select random proxy server.
  2. Next server from marked by flag "Use for surfing" - AliveProxy select the next proxy server from proxy list.

Logging AiS AliveProxy server

When AliveProxy change the current proxy server used for surfing it follows the next rules:

  1. Enable logging - take on the flag if you want to write log of using buil-in proxy server.
  2. Log file direcory - enter the folder where AliveProxy will write log files.

Format of AliveProxy log files is equivalent to format of IIS (Internet Information Server). It means that you can use your favourite log analyzer to analyze the AliveProxy log.

See also

Common options
Options of proxy list checker
Options of site test

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